Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Make your own Liquers


Using Watkins Extracts & Flavors

Make a base of 2 ½ cups Vodka (cheapest on market) and ½ cup sugar (sweetness to taste). Add one of the below suggested flavors to the base. Blend on low speed in blender until the sugar is dissolved. Stop the blender and top the blender up to 30 oz. with distilled or filtered water. Blend again & bottle. Let stand over night to fully develop flavor.

AMARETTO …………………… 3 tsp Watkins Almond Ext, 4 tsp Watkins Rum Ext & 1 tsp Cocoa Extract

BANANA ……………………… 1 tsp Watkins Banana Extract

CHERRY ………………………. 1 ¼ tsp Watkins Cherry Extract

COCONUT RUM ……………… 2 tsp Watkins Coconut Extract and 1 tsp Watkins Rum Extract

GRAND MARNIER …………… 1 ½ tsp Watkins Orange Extract

PEPPERMINT ………………….1 tsp Watkins Peppermint Extract and a little green food coloring

PINEAPPLE RUM ……………. 2 tsp Watkins Pineapple Extract and 1 tsp Watkins Rum Extract

RASPBERRY …………………. 1 ½ tsp Watkins Raspberry Extract

SAMBUCA …………………….. 2 tsp Watkins Anise Extract

STRAWBERRY ………………. 1 ½ tsp Watkins Strawberry Extract

SWISS ALMOND CHOCOLATE 1 ¼ tsp Watkins Almond Extract and 1 tsp Watkins Cocoa Extract

Other flavors available until Christmas are: Irish Cream, Danish Pastry, Black Walnut and Hazelnut.

Use liqueurs to flavor coffee, pour over ice cream, add to coolers, smoothies, flavor whipping cream or when a recipe calls for liqueur.

Product Tip: Do you have a soda stream? Try adding Watkins extracts to your carbonated water! It adds flavor without all the sugar and calories. 1 small cupful per bottle creates a nice essence flavor. 

To learn more about Watkins, what I do, or to find a local consultant in your area,  please visit our website at   www.trustednaturalhomeproducts.com 

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